AI Explained

about creative entrepreneurs in design, fashion, and photography.

Practically Intelligent is a podcast with two experts dive into the latest news and developments in the world of AI. We bring together builders, founders, and researchers from the AI community to discuss complex technical topics in a way that's accessible and engaging for everyone. Hosted by Sinan, a successful founder, author, and ML practitioner, and Akshay, a Partner at Tola Capital, our conversations will provide valuable insights into the exciting world of AI.

Sinan Ozdemir

Sinan Ozdemir is a multifaceted AI expert, entrepreneur, author, and educator. He holds several AI patents and is known for his consultancy in this field. He has authored numerous books, notably on machine learning and Generative AI. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several startups and has had successful exits. He has lectured for Johns Hopkins University, O’Reilly, Pearson, and many other institutions.

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Akshay Bhushan

Akshay Bhushan is a key partner at Tola Capital, leveraging his expertise in product management to focus on enterprise software investments. His background includes a role as Associate at L.E.K. Consulting, where he handled strategic issues and investment diligence across various sectors. Bhushan's professional journey also encompasses a rotation at the Hasso-Plattner Institut in Germany. Academically, he completed his BS in International Politics from Georgetown University and gained significant experience in product management through a stint at the U.S. National Cancer Institute during his undergraduate studies​​.

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